Entertainment Training Montage (Creed Parody) written by Tom Schneider April 26, 2016 Tommy trains for the upcoming TRUE Fit Bicycle Tour: LA to DC inspired by Creed which was inspired by Rocky Training Montage (Creed Parody) was last modified: February 5th, 2017 by Tom Schneider 0 comment 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest Tom Schneider previous post The Cycle of Shame; How the Internet Has Given a Platform to ‘Outrage Culture’ next post Exercise During Cancer Treatment You may also like “Snake Oil For Sale: Tom’s Super Training... February 23, 2016 Bicycle Bro – Episode 2: Growing Gains January 13, 2016 Bicycle Bro – Episode 4: Hitman Hearn January 20, 2016 The Real Chicago June 27, 2016 2nd Annual TRUE Fit Bicycle Tour Highlights:... August 15, 2016 Obesity; ‘Fed Up’ with the Cultural Phenomenon? March 25, 2015 Riding Through Amish Paradise February 9, 2016 Bicycle Bro – Episode 6: Amish Paradise January 21, 2016 A Cultural Movement (To Not Move) October 16, 2015 2016 TRUE Fit Bicycle Tour: LA to... March 14, 2016